Class: CellClick


new CellClick()



currentHoverCell :Point

the cell location where the cursor is currently

Inherited From:
Default Value:
  • null

cursor :string

the cursor I want to be displayed

  • string
Inherited From:
Default Value:
  • null

detached :Feature

a temporary holding field for my next feature when I'm in a disconnected state

Inherited From:
Default Value:
  • null

next :Feature

the next feature to be given a chance to handle incoming events

Inherited From:
Default Value:
  • null



reattach my child from the detached reference

Inherited From:


disconnect my child

Inherited From:

handleClick(grid, event)

Name Type Description
grid Hypergrid
event CellEvent

the event details

  • Feature#handleClick

isFirstFixedColumn(grid, event)

Name Type Description
grid Hypergrid
event Object

the event details

Inherited From:

isFirstFixedRow(grid, event)

Name Type Description
grid Hypergrid
event Object

the event details

Inherited From:

isFixedColumn(grid, event)

Name Type Description
grid Hypergrid
event Object

the event details

Inherited From:

isFixedRow(grid, event)

Name Type Description
grid Hypergrid
event Object

the event details

Inherited From:

isTopLeft(grid, event)

Name Type Description
grid Hypergrid
event Object

the event details

Inherited From:

Open the cell's URL.

The URL is found in the cell's link property, which serves two functions:

  1. Renders as a link. When truthy causes SimpleCell cell renderer to render the cell underlined with linkColor. (See also linkOnHover and linkColorOnHover.) Therefore, setting this property to true will render as a link, although clicking on it will have no effect. This is useful if you wish to handle the click yourself by attaching a 'fin-click' listener to your hypergrid.
  2. Fetch the URL. The value of the link property is interpreted as per link.
  3. Decorate the URL. The cell name (i.e., the data column name) and cell value are merged into the URL wherever the respective substrings '%name' and '%value' are found. For example, if the column name is "age" and the cell value is 6 (or a function returning 25), and the link is '', then the actual link (first argument given to grid.windowOpen) would be ''.
  4. Open the URL. The link is then opened by grid.windowOpen. If link is an array, it is "applied" to grid.windowOpen in its entirety; otherwise, grid.windowOpen is called with the link as the first argument and linkTarget as the second.
  5. Decorate the link. On successful return from windowOpen(), the text is colored as "visited" as per the cell's linkVisitedColor property (by setting the cell's linkColor property to its linkVisitedColor property).
Name Type Description
grid Hypergrid
cellEvent CellEvent

Event details.


One of:

Value Meaning
undefined no link to open
null grid.windowOpen failed to open a window
otherwise A window reference returned by a successful call to grid.windowOpen.
boolean | window | null | undefined