Class: DataModel


new DataModel()


getCell(config, declaredRendererName) → {CellRenderer}

Name Type Description
config object
declaredRendererName string

The proposed cell renderer name (form the render properties).


getCellEditorAt(columnIndex, rowIndex, declaredEditorName, cellEvent) → {undefined|CellEditor}

Instantiate a new cell editor.

The application developer may override this method to:

  • Instantiate and return an arbitrary cell editor. The generic implementation here simply returns the declared cell editor. This is undefined when there was no such declaration, or if the named cell editor was not registered.
  • Return undefined for no cell editor at all. The cell will not be editable.
  • Set properties on the instance by passing them in the options object. These are applied to the new cell editor object after instantiation but before rendering.
  • Manipulate the cell editor object (including its DOM elements) after rendering but before DOM insertion.

Overriding this method with a null function (that always returns undefined) will have the effect of making all cells uneditable.

Name Type Description
columnIndex number

Absolute column index. I.e., the position of the column in the data source's original fields array, as echoed in behavior.allColumns[].

rowIndex number

Row index of the data row in the current list of rows, regardless of vertical scroll position, offset by the number of header rows (all the rows above the first data row including the filter row). I.e., after subtracting out the number of header rows, this is the position of the data row in the index array of the data source (i.e., the last data source pipeline).

declaredEditorName string

The proposed cell editor name (from the render properties).

cellEvent CellEvent

All enumerable properties of this object will be copied to the new cell editor object for two purposes:

  • Used in cell editor logic.
  • For access from the cell editor's HTML template (via mustache).

CellEditor requires both of the following:

  • format - The cell's format render prop (name of localizer to use to format the editor preload and parse the edited value). May be undefined (no formatting or parsing). Added by calling getCellEditorAt method. Developer's override is free to alter this property.
  • CellEvent props - column (Column object) is the only enumerable property of the native CellEvent object. Read-only.
  • Custom props - Developer's override of this method may add additional properties, for both purposes listed above.

Note that the editPoint property previously available to cell editors has been deprecated in favor of options.gridCell. editPoint will still work for the time being but with a deprecation warning in the console to use cellEvent.gridCell instead.


An object instantiated from the registered cell editor constructor named in declaredEditorName. A falsy return means the cell is not editable because the declaredEditorName was not registered.

undefined | CellEditor